Fixed layout eBook format is the popular format for heavily illustrated eBooks and majorly preferred for children's books, cookbooks, travel guides, textbooks and academic publications. For accurate control the layout of the pictures, text and other items on the pages, the Fixed Layout ePUB takes advantage of a pixel-specific page size, in contrast to the standard ePUB format.
Our professionals are highly proficient at developing graphics-rich fixed-layout eBooks with features like bookmark, text search, read aloud, zooming, thumbnail navigation, background music and dictionary linking for a variety of devices like Amazon's Kindle, Barnes and Noble's Nook, Kobo, Apple, Google and Android devices.
Our experts are adept at developing graphics-rich fixed-layout eBooks with features like bookmark, text search, read aloud, zooming, thumbnail navigation, background music and dictionary linking for a variety of devices like Amazon's Kindle, Barnes and Noble's Nook, Kobo, Apple, Google and Android devices.
Our experts shore up the "Fixed Layout" ePUB with HTML5 and CSS3 to create eBooks with precise design and layout, closely matching the source file. We insert fonts, choose a suitable text size and position the graphics like the print page layout. Besides, our experts can also wrap text around images, set a background color, create multi-column text pages as well as develop text over images.
We help you to magnify the book with rich media content, 2D and 3D animations, music, voice-overs, sound effects, puzzles, games etc,.
With fixed layout eBooks format, we ensure that your readers can zoom in and zoom out the whole page.
We insert audio and video files in eBooks to make more interesting and interactive for the users.
In order to make sure technical accuracy and placement of citations, our experts add references and illustrations in the eBooks.
We provide synchronized audio narration, ensuring that the words are highlighted as they are narrated.
You should hire Linlax if you want to
Linlax Fixed Layout Ebook Conversion
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